Jay stared his interest in wellness and health when he started training in Yoga.  Eventually he did a apprenticeship program to become a Yoga Instructor and was certified as a Warrior Yoga Instructor in 2004.

After many years of researching different modalities of energy healing based on the experiential learning within his yoga journey, Jay found an incredibly advanced energy program based on the scientific process.  Shortly after becoming a Yoga Instructor, he began training in Pranic Healing and became an Advanced Pranic Healer with knowledge of Pranic Physiotherapy and Crystal Healing. 

Through many sessions it became obvious that some of his other talents like massage, which he learned from giving massage to his mom ever since he was a child, and general knowledge of detoxification was useful.  Overtime Jay’s wellness focus evolved into Complementary Health Care incorporating different types of methods and knowledge customized for each individual person, including energy work, detox, yoga, massage, nutrition and more.

Currently Jay is working on a online database for self help wellness education, so everyone can access his ideas.  For more information on Jay’s healing and wellness activities, here is a link to Jay’s business website: BJC Wellness.


I am a practitioner.